Do Waiters Do Different Tasks Than Waitresses?

Do Waiters Do Different Tasks Than Waitresses

Being a waiter and waitress can be a tough job. They have to be on their feet throughout their shift, deal with the customers, take orders, and accommodate special requests. Although this might seem an easy task but in reality, it isn’t. Restaurants tend to be highly sociable areas where friends and … Read more

Budgeting When You Rely on Tips

Budgeting When You Rely on Tips

As a waiter, the majority of your income comprises of tips. One of the perks of working in the restaurant industry is that you never leave empty-handed. As a result, you get to save your actual paycheck when it arrives as opposed to spending it on your daily expenses. For waiters and … Read more



When we visit an event, we notice every detail and gather ideas. We notice how they are serving the food, the arrangements made, and how the food is. Be it a large wedding or a business lunch; caterers play a significant role in successfully executing that event. The food service business can … Read more

What does it take to become a pro waiter?

What does it take to become a pro waiter

Becoming a pro waiter requires hardwork and patience. Since you will be dealing with hundreds of customers on a daily basis and handling different situations as well, your skillset will be put to the test every time. From greeting the customers to taking the order, there is a lot that could go … Read more

What Should Be on a Resume for Host or Hostess Position?

What Should Be on a Resume for Host or Hostess Position

Being a host or hostess is an exciting experience. While you get to meet and greet several people during the day, it is supposed to be a hectic job as well. However, the best thing about being a host or hostess is that it does not require formal education or training for … Read more

Training Staff in Service Sequence

Training Staff in Service Sequence

Restaurants are not just meant for dining in, eat your food, and go away. It includes other basic things that seem to have little effect when talking about food and restaurants, but they matter a lot. The most important thing people look at apart from food in restaurants is courtesy. The service … Read more

Server and Waiter: Is There a Difference?

Server and Waiter

Although most people assume that a server and waiter are the same things but in reality, there is a huge difference between the two. While a server as the term suggests “serves” the customers, waiters on the other hand are much like “Attendants”. They are there to answer customer queries and guide … Read more